Often after the hustle and buzz of life comes to a halt, mostly when am all alone, the silence creeps in and it’s to real to pretend, I worry about myself. I worry about my sanity, about the decisions I make and have made in the past. I wonder if I have faith in things, things like love... Life Offers Various Experiences (LOVE) is what a friend of my says about love. I know about betrayal and how it can permanently scare the pure element of faith in people. I know all about pain because in as much as we think of it most as physical and can monitor the physical pain heal, emotional pain is worse. I know how consuming anger can be I have been there but love, love and the things love does to people... I know all this because I have been through it; I have felt it all, known it to its depth and most importantly survived it. And yet am still uncertain as to whether I can comprehend love, the one thing that most people base their relationships. I have come to the realisation t...