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Showing posts from July, 2014

Silent Love

Often after the hustle and buzz of life comes to a halt, mostly when am all alone, the silence creeps in and it’s to real to pretend, I worry about myself. I worry about my sanity, about the decisions I make and have made in the past. I wonder if I have faith in things, things like love...  Life Offers Various Experiences (LOVE) is what a friend of my says about love. I know about betrayal and how it can permanently scare the pure element of faith in people. I know all about pain because in as much as we think of it most as physical and can monitor the physical pain heal, emotional pain is worse. I know how consuming anger can be I have been there but love, love and the things love does to people... I know all this because I have been through it; I have felt it all, known it to its depth and most importantly survived it. And yet am still uncertain as to whether I can comprehend love, the one thing that most people base their relationships. I have come to the realisation t...

Tales from the Hood: Maybin the Shaolin!

In the hood, Maybin had been known as the man who had a slight limp and struggled to walk. The circumstances under which Maybin developed this condition were a never openly discussed but everyone gossiped and knew what had happened for juicy stories like that of Maybin’s plight travel faster than wild fire in the hood. Maybin was a fine but fierce looking young man whose profession was known by everybody including the young ones. He was Thief. The types that went out on rackets and stole big time stuff, not just a minor pick pockets or petty thieves. One day Maybin and his crew went to steal in town near Stanley Bar area but unfortunately he was caught. While his friends escaped within a whisky, he was beaten and tortured which led to the paralysis of his legs. As a cripple, Maybin seemed to have changed his ways. He was religiously taking his medication, going for physiotherapy and playing with the kids in the hood. They all loved him even their mothers seemed to warm up t...