Susan Mwape After an endless hype on the much anticipated comedy show in Lusaka featuring MNET Comedian Pablo and Kansiime Anne from Uganda, there was no way that I would miss the show. Firstly the Host of the show Chibwe Katebe never disappoints and I knew that this would be a show worth going to. Secondly, having encountered the works of Anne Kansiime online via minibuzz I just had to watch the lady who silenced a man who thought he could get away with being rudely whistling a woman without clearly knowing what he wanted. I rushed to Mulungushi hoping to get there by 19 hours as indicated on the Tickets but Alas the great East road was jammed with cars all heading to mulungushi International Conference Centre, how could this have been strange when the show was sold out, anyways I slowly creeped into mulungushi with my friend, struggled to find the parking space and as soon as we parked on the side of the road we practically ran out of the car so a...